Of all of the types of marketing you can do for your business, email marketing is probably the most affordable and easy -- if you know what you’re doing. It’s also absolutely vital. The downside is that virtually every business utilizes email marketing, and there’s only so much room in one’s email account. Consumers pick and choose the businesses they want to hear from. One … [Read more...] about 6 Affordable and Easy Email Marketing Tips That Are Vital For Small Business
Email Marketing
What' s The Lifetime Value Of Your Customer And How The Heck Do You Figure It Out ?
I’m going to take a crazy, wild stab and assume you don’t adore math. Most entrepreneurial folks like us think of math less as a “fun activity” and more as a necessary evil. When I was a young lad in school, I could easily pay attention in classes like history and English because there was something human to wrap my brain around in those topics. There were stories, people, … [Read more...] about What' s The Lifetime Value Of Your Customer And How The Heck Do You Figure It Out ?
The 1-2-3 of Your CMMS (Content Marketing Mission Statement)
If you're reading this right now, you're not just a small business owner. You're a savvy, hip, up-to-trend small business owner. (Flattery gets me everywhere. Or at least lower bounce rates!) So you know that marketing in 2015 means content marketing. As Seth Godin famously said, "Content Marketing is the Only Marketing Left." Now, content marketing might not be the only kind … [Read more...] about The 1-2-3 of Your CMMS (Content Marketing Mission Statement)
Oh, You Shouldn’t Have! Great Examples of Excellent Thank You Pages
It’s important to know how to say thank you. Genuinely, warmly. As a person and especially as a marketer. It’s important for two reasons. … [Read more...] about Oh, You Shouldn’t Have! Great Examples of Excellent Thank You Pages
Be Everywhere – 7 Smart Multi-Channel Marketing Tips
Multi-channel marketing sounds daunting and official, doesn't it? It's something you'd hear bandied about in a stuffy boardroom, or in a business school classroom. Lots of small business owners' eyes glaze over at terminology like this and instead like to think of themselves as a bit more guerilla with their marketing tactics. Or they make the mistake of dismissing … [Read more...] about Be Everywhere – 7 Smart Multi-Channel Marketing Tips
Build That List – Tips, Tricks, Do's and Don'ts of Growing Your Email Subscriber List
The list is the thing. The money is in the list. There are a million taglines and marketing mantras that underline the importance of building a strong, solid list of email subscribers. Contrary to social media urban myths, email is not dead. It’s alive, well and if you do it right – possibly the most profitable business tool you have at your disposal. I’ve discussed what to … [Read more...] about Build That List – Tips, Tricks, Do's and Don'ts of Growing Your Email Subscriber List
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of Email Newsletters How (and how NOT to) Create Wantable Newsletters
Remember when you were a little kid and going to get the mail was like this big, exciting event? You’d run out there, certain that there was going to be a letter or card or at least an interesting catalog to leaf through? … [Read more...] about The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of Email Newsletters How (and how NOT to) Create Wantable Newsletters
A Step-by-Step Approach to Creating a Lovable Marketing Plan You Will Use
Hmm, let me think. When was the first time I ever created a marketing plan? I can tell you exactly when that was. I created mine right about the same time most small … [Read more...] about A Step-by-Step Approach to Creating a Lovable Marketing Plan You Will Use