Episode 161 of the Marketing for Owners podcast broadcast with me, Jon Butt. I’m hoping by now, that you know what SEO stands for, If not, it is Search Engine Optimization.
SEO is bascially getting to the top of Google rankings. It is everyone’s dream to come up number one when doing a search for things. If you search for marketing systems, it would be my dream for marketingforowners.com to come up number one, but it doesn’t.
However, there are a lot of people who can promise to get me to number one for a small fee.
Oh gosh! If only it were so easy! What they do, they prey on those of us that are unsuspecting and know no better; they will make it sound easy because that’s what they do because they’re sharks and they are salespeople.
But they’ll take your money, they will do things, they will grow your search engine position, but then they will be doing things that are ‘naughty’ in Google’s eyes.
Google has something called Google’s terms of service that has a whole list of things you are not allowed to do, and it includes the bare fact that anything that is made to artificially increase your rank in the Google listings is against their terms of service.
In effect, any search engine optimization trick is against their terms of service.
Now, you may think, “Well, a lot of people at the top never got caught. But if then I get caught, then they will be caught.” This is the thing, they will then be you.
Google grown and has went through changes and had footers added. Famously, there was Google Panda, and then, famously again, there was Google Penguin.
The reason I find this is because everyone who was in Internet marketing was hammered as a rule, and soon it just popped off from the screen. Did you see that? Well, I’m sorry.
Anyway, they were hammered, and some people had spent years and tons of money getting right on top of the first page in Google to be not out of site, out of the path. Big sites like eHow and others were hammered.
Loss of fortune, EzineArticles, their ranking dropped by 70%-80%. The reason SEO experts will prey on you is because they know you don’t know that as a rule, or the people, their customers, don’t know that.
They can press you and of course everyone wants more results from their website.
But just the other day, I was watching an online course—it’s called a course launch where they have a bunch of videos—from a couple of guys—I’m not going to say their names because one of the names is ridiculous and you know who they are.
In their course, they are going to launch a product which is going to teach you how to become a marketing consultant and to get customers on the basis of being able to do local Google SEO for them.
In one of the videos, they showed that all you have to do is go to an SEO provider online, hire them for about $200 a month and then go to a client of that service for $500 a month and then just give it to the other company. Unbelievable!
There were many other examples of what they did then because they were sent to outsource. That, in my view, is not outsourcing; that is downright ripping you off.
If you were to undertake a service or to buy or contract a service from a company promising to get you higher in Google rankings through search engine optimization, you are going to get in trouble at some point. It’s not against the law, but when your site has been hammered by Google and has penalties put against it, it’s very hard to undo them. Just a word of warning.
In our marketing system, in the perpetual sale cycle, we do some basics, some of the best practice, but nothing to do with what they preach, and that’s it. But we base it on promoting your sales properly to potential clients and getting them that way. Keep listening; I’ll tell you more about it.
Monday Book Recommendation
It’s a Monday, it’s time for a book for the week, and a great book, good fun as well. It’s called Made to Stick.
It’s by two brothers, Chip and Dan Heath, easily available at your favorite bookstore and what they do is, they spent ten years researching stories.
There are lots of urban myths and stories, and some of these urban myths may not even be true, but lots of us know them.
Like millions, hundreds, thousands of millions, billions, know the same stories worldwide. With no advertising, how do we know? How do those stories stick?
Wouldn’t it be great if you could get things like that, get your products or services, or you stories to tell in a similar way? So they pick out the best myths.
Well worth the read; very entertaining because a lot of the stories are stories you know and they pick them apart, find out where they come from and how it works.
What more can you ask?
I’ll see you tomorrow.
Have you fallen prey to the SEO Experts?