So today, I’m going to talk about working in a business that you love. For whatever reason, many people hate their jobs. Now they may not … they may say they don’t really hate it, they’re just joking with their friends down the pub or over dinner.
But to be honest, if you love your job, you tell people that you love your job. Now of course, many of us go into business so that we can do something we enjoy doing. But are you still enjoying it?
Really? Because there’s not much going to be worse than working for yourself and not doing what you love to do.
However, it’s not all bad. I’ve got some good news for you. You can turn things around. Now of course, if you’re not working for yourself, running your own business, there’s not a lot I can do other than advise you to reconsider your job and consider how much longer you have of your working career and think to yourself is it time for change.
Don’t be scared. If you think it might be, it’s for the best. Don’t worry. You have experience and expertise.
But how about these questions? In your work … working for yourself, does it seem like a chore to get work done? Is it difficult every single day to do your work? Is it tough?
Does it feel difficult to motivate yourself to go to work or to start work in the morning, evening, afternoon, whenever you start? Is that act in itself difficult?
These are things to think about, I know. So work, you need to figure out things like talking to friends or talking to anybody about your business.
Can you talk about it for a long time? Now believe me, I can. You could wake me up in the middle of the night, 3 o’clock in the morning and ask me a question about my work or what I do, or the subject around it.
And once is taking me to 10 seconds or so to go over and be able to speak, I would be off and running. I could just talk about it for hours. I love what I do. I know it’s very strange.
Please, by the way, don’t wake me up for that time and ask me questions because I do need to get some sleep.
But if anyone asked you, can you talk about it or don’t you want to? Now these are signs of deciding whether you love what you do. The other one, do you still have plans?
Are you still making plans? Do you still have plans of what you want to do? Are you still developing new plans of how you want to change and improve things?
Because those are important signs. If you’re not … if you’re not enjoying starting work, if it’s finding it difficult, if you’re not making new plans, if you don’t really want to talk about it, don’t have anything to say, then it’s time for change.
And there are ways you can change it up. So let me give you a few ideas.
Now first of all, obvious, get a pen and a pad. Write down what you do like about it and write down what you don’t like about it. Write down every single task, every single thing that you can think of that you do or could do in your work that you like doing, and every single task that you don’t like doing, no matter how small.
Even if it’s speaking to staff, answering the phone, opening, locking up at the end of the day; every single little task, write them down. And don’t be worried if you don’t like them. It’s not all bad.
Because then, once you’ve written them down, and you’ve got down the things that you don’t like, can you get someone else to do them.
There are people that possibly work with you or work for you that would be prepared to either do it. If they work for you, of course, they should be happy to do things for you when you explain that this will help you in a bigger picture to drive the business forward.
So explain the why, than to say “You do this.” Explain why. You’re not a tyrant, remember.
Learn more. Now this may sound odd but learn more about your business. Learn more about your job. Become better. Become more of an expert. You are already an expert.
Go to the places like,, Go to these places. Learn more. Learn how to do them. Very inexpensive. Great courses to guide you through. And there’s pretty other courses but learn more. You don’t have to go anywhere.
Then set some simple goals and make some plans. Simple ones, not “Oh, I need to double turn … double sales and double, triple profits.”
Make them things that you can achieve. And then write them down, by the way. Don’t just make them in your mind.
Find other people in your trade, in your industry, in your business to talk to. They will have the same thoughts as you. And this is one of the very important things I learned early on.
When I was in the fire trade, I just do my work, do my thing but then I joined the traders’ association, and I had a meeting. I went up to that thought I wouldn’t know anyone. And I found that lots for other people are just joined didn’t know anyone.
We got together. We had similar things. We’re not competitors. We’re from different parts of the country. But find someone who had something in common to talk to about work. And we talked about the things that were enjoyable.
You’d remember the day when “Can you remember when you started . . . you know, or that kind of talk. It made it fun.
Some of these people are still friends, good friends. Good 25 years later, great. And of all ages, and all places, all types of people .In fact, these conferences, some of them are online.
You can get into forums, and answer questions and see what other people are up to. Or you can give into with the new live streaming apps.
Look for people who are broadcasting on Periscope because then you can interact on a live video and see what they are like. But it’s quite helpful to know other people are just like you.
Now finally, I want you to appreciate your self and use a gratitude log or a book. Write down a journal every single morning; five things or three things you’re grateful for from the day before or just in life on that day; people, things, things that happened, customers, your kids, family, anything.
Just record every day what you’re actually grateful for. Start thinking positive. Your laugh over a period of time will suddenly change. Okay?
It’s important that you love or you enjoy what you do. So please try, if not, change it. You are in control.
Friendly Follow
It is Wednesday. It’s time for a friendly follow. Today, we are going to recommend Chris Garrett. His website is at ChrisG. Just
Chris is a fantastic marketer. He’s been in the marketing industry forever. I actually thought he was English. But apparently he’s born in Canada I think. But he’s been around, he’s written books, he works extensively now with CopyBlogger.
His knowledge is extreme in all things marketing. Follow Chris on Twitter. Follow him on social media. Read his blogs. See what can help you with. He is worth the time.
Okay. I will be back tomorrow. We have something else good to talk about.
Do you love what you do?