So, how can we do this with marketing in the right order? So, back to front. This is the 21st century, it is the word of content marketing, it is not the word of the old-fashioned advertising world.
Now don’t get me wrong, ads still work, but in the old way, adverts interrupt their way into your life.
That is for example you watch TV, you’re sitting there, you’re watching your movie, you’re watching your TV show and all of a sudden, adverts.
And you think, “Ugh!” You sit there, you may be even turn the channel to see what else is on if you you don’t like what is on the screen.
You didn’t want to see the advert, you want to see the TV. You may be reading a magazine and halfway through your article it says continued on page whatever and then you have to flip through a few pages of adverts.
You’re driving along, you’ve got billboards on the sides of the road, pretty much everywhere you are, and those adverts bombard you.
There is all that data to say how many adverts you see every day, but it doesn’t really matter, the premise is the same, they interrupt their way into your life to try and get your attention. That is the old way, that is back to front.
The new way with content marketing or inbound marketing is not to bombard people with adverts they don’t want to see that interrupt them, but to put information out and about in the places where your target potential customer will look and have them choose to come to you.
Do you see the difference?
They choose to come and find out what you’ve got, you don’t have to interrupt them and shout at them what you have. It’s a big, big, big difference. And this works.
Potential customers want information and you sell a product or service, which means you are an expert, you know everything, all the inns and outs about your products or service and so do your staff and your team.
So you can provide the information that your potential customer may be looking for, you can put it in the places they look for it.
So that can be social media, it can be on the Internet, or it will be on the Internet via your website. Social media of, course involves Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Google +, Linked in, You Tube you name it, there’s loads of them, and they’re all free.
Some people love Instagram, some people are addicted to Facebook, (I think we are all addicted to Facebook), and some people are Twitter aficionados.
If you can put your information in these places, aimed specifically at your ideal customer, your ideal customer when they look in their favourite place for information about something that you supply, you are going to come up.
Then they haven’t been forced, they have been given the information that they were looking for, they will choose to come to you. This is a big difference, it’s the right way around.
Another thing is if you are producing a new service or a product, have you asked your customer or do you just make it?
Do you just go to all the expense of building out the service, making a product and then approaching your customer and say, “Hey, we’ve got this for sale.”
Or, do you do it the right way around, because the other way would be back to front, are you doing it the right way, where you ask some of your select customers what products or services they would want, or that you’re thinking of providing a service and you’re thinking of doing it like this and would like your opinion; is this something that would interest them?
Is there a better way of doing it? Are there features they would like? Then your customer first of all, not only thinks they’re important to you because you asked, but they get an opportunity to give the input, the input that’s necessary and you get it.
So, in the UK our supermarkets are notorious at abandoning half of the fruit and veg that their growers grow for them because it’s not the right shape, it’s not clean, it’s not fluffy and straight and not perfect looking things.
They have these laser gadgets on things that reject potatoes that have bad shape and all that kind of thing and carrots are not quite straight, it’s remarkable.
Most of us customers would say why, we are only going to cut it up and put it in a casserole or something, and the supermarkets say well this is what our customers want. Is it really?
Did they just give it to us and have us like it? Did they ever ask us what we want? Did they ever give us a choice?
No, not really, they think we want because we like it; we like what we’re given, but had they asked us, was there an alternative, would we like the other way, we would have probably said, “They are fine as well, makes it cheaper and everything.” That’s another story.
But what most people get wrong is, they’re doing it the old way where you give people what you want to give them because in your mind you think this is great, but it’s not about you, it’s about them, it’s about your customer and your potential customer.
You need to be giving them what they want, not what you think they want. Okay, get it right. Don’t get it back to front, okay.
Get your customers to come to you, don’t go shouting at your customers. Produce services and products that your customers want, don’t produce things that you want them to have. Don’t get it back to front.
Drive Time Podcast
Today is Thursday, and that means it is time for a drive time podcast. Today we are going to recommend Lewis Howes.
If you’re not in my world and you haven’t heard of Lewis Howes, the guy is great. I first met Lewis years ago. Not only is he genuinely good, but he’s the archetypal Internet Marketer done good.
He was an American professional footballer in lower leagues and so on, I’ll gloss over that, but he got injured, he ended up on his sisters couch, and he laid around for a while.
During that time, he discovered he’s good at Linked in, then he built a reputation and became a master connector; he is someone who is just destined to be great.
He has a great personality, he’s very humble and he is a great connector, so everyone likes to think they know Lewis Howes.
Now he explains his entrepreneurial journey and teaches others and he is a go getter, he’s very good with it.
Lewis’ product and his podcast is called “The School Of Greatness.” Now he’s actually just at the time of this, just had a book come out called “The School of Greatness”.
It’s his first book book in a while — he had another one about Linked in some years ago I think, but proper book.
Lewis is just great, he’s the type of person that you’ll feel inspired to follow, he makes it doable, he just makes it sound like something you can relate to, something you can do.
I advise that you listen to Lewis’ podcast, you read his book, you read his material, you follow him online and if you ever come across him, say hello, he will help you out.
The guy is great and he is so darn young, he’s got a big big future. All right, remember that Lewis Howes, The School Of Greatness, his podcast.
You will find it on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher, all of the other things. Just look up, look it up in Google, you will get straight to it.
I have something good for you tomorrow.
In what way are you doing your marketing?