I know that might come as a bit of a shock, but let me explain what I mean. I look at websites all day long and it kills me that many of them are just not up to snuff.
Why am I telling you that your website needs to change or that you need a new website? It is because you do!
Your website constantly needs to be updated and refreshed.
When you go to a large department store and you look at their window display, you might see something that catches your eye.
A couple of weeks later, you visit again, and lo and behold, that department store has changed their window display to something new and exciting – and guess what? Something else will probably catch your eye.
Why the change? Because the change catches your eye.
Think of your favorite advertisements. Do they stay the same or do they change?
It is the same with your website.
Too many companies when they order stationery or marketing materials, they treat it all the same way. They give the list and order the supplies and they arrive in a nice little box.
But that is not the way it should be done.
This is the 21st century. You should be in control and be able to update your own website. You should be using it as a modern tool to inform your current customers and open the door for new potential customers.
You want to keep your current customer don’t you instead of them slipping off to your competitors?
Now, you might be thinking — “I can’t. I am not a techie.”
I have a simple secret. Are you listening?
Us marketing people like myself are not generally techie people. I am not — that’s for sure. When I get a new phone in, if I cannot getting going with a punch of a couple of buttons I lose interest fast.
However, I can update my website. If you can use Word and email, then you can update a website as well. You need to get in control.
There are reasons for that.
Your Home Page
Your website might say, “Welcome to …”, “We are …”, “We’ve done …”. Those types of beginnings are going to have your potential customer already clicking back to Google looking for someone else.
They did not particularly look you up personally. They were looking for information – not about your business personally.
If they were searching for your company, they already know about you. They did not need to know about your welcome or what you’ve done.
It is important that you tell the customer about your services, not about what you have accomplished or done.
Your Menu
Do you have a toolbar or a menu bard? What do you have listed? Do you have an about us page, a products tab, contact us tab?
Those are all boring. It is the 21st century!
Your Social Buttons and Your Blog
Do you have social sharing buttons on your site? Do people know how to find you on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram?
Do they even know you have a blog that goes with your business?
Do you have that thing that says “Latest News”? Please don’t have that on your site. That is so last century ago.
Boring websites get hacked all the time. You might think, “Why would they hack me? I don’t have any personal credit cards or anything.”
Your site can get hacked and people like terrorist groups are known for this where they implant messages on your site.
Then Google will pick those up and consider it Malware and have your site removed from their search index. Your site will never come up again when someone searches.
You need your website to be updated against those things. How do you do it? You do it with WordPress. It is a content management system and it is free and as easy to use as Word.
Join My Free Webinar
If you are not sure how to use WordPress, then you will want to join my FREE webinar that is on Wednesday November 25th that will teach you how easy it is to use WordPress.
If you want to sign up, simply visit MarketingforOwners.com/go/livetraining and it will take you to the webinar sign up form.
The webinar will run about an hour long and will teach you 6 DIY WordPress tips that will help you transform your website.
This is aimed at the easiest and most simple stuff ever. Who doesn’t like free?
Monday Book Recommendation
Today is Monday and it is time for a book of the week. This one is a great book. It is called Youtility. I am not going to tell you much about this book because it is just great.
It is by Jay Baer – who is a guru for online content strategy. He is just plain brilliant. He explains how to make marketing so good that people will want to pay for it.
When was the last time you updated your website?