What I want to talk you about today is who do you surround yourself with? Now there is an old saying from Jim Rohn, who is great guy to listen to by the way.
He’s not with us anymore but his CDs and everything are around. He says you are the average of the five people you hang out with.
Now that is going to apply to your income, to your thoughts, to your political aspirations, to your sporting abilities, to everything.
But in business you should surround yourself with great people.
Negative People
Firstly you want to stay away from negative people because negativity is like a virus. It spreads, and some people cannot help themselves.
They don’t know they are doing it, so don’t blame them. They don’t know they are doing it and generally, it’s because they have been surrounded by an atmosphere of negativity all of their life too.
But that’s not what we are talking about here. I want you to think about going places, put yourself slightly out of your comfort zone and put yourself in situations where you will meet new people because these new people will introduce new ideas, new thoughts, concepts and things like that.
These will be things you never knew were possible, you didn’t feel were needed. In my business career, ever since I went online, in my previous one when I had Triangle Fire Protection which I sold in 2003, I didn’t have a lot of experience mixing with others from the outside world.
Step Outside Your Comfort Zone
What I did do is I joined a trade association, a fire trade association and I went to tons of the regional meetings.
Now technically I’m up there with all of my arch enemies, my competitors but I soon discovered that we are all in this together, and I learned things.
I got tips from people far more experienced than I was that made me loads of money, that made me very successful and I went forever.
I scared all of them, no matter where they were, I was there too and eventually I passed my tips on to others too.
I gave back. Then I sold the business and what I learned when I started online was that there is a wide world out there, it never occurred to me to go outside of my trade.
So when I was given the first chance to go to a conference in America, now this Is what I suppose you would call an internet marketing conference, I have never been to something like that and you may be surprised but I am quite introverted.
I am quite happy to just sit at home, tucked in a corner, while no one is around, and no one knows where I am and just be on my own.
I am in no way extroverted and, yeah I know those who have met me know that, but I got myself to an airport, and I headed over to Atlanta and I headed over to a three day conference with nobody that I knew.
I had no idea what it was going to be like. I had no idea how many or anything, it was the most fantastic thing I had ever done, a massive eye opener, and I made friends.
Again, I don’t have a lot of friends so I don’t rush out. I’m not one of these networking people, one of these ooh what do you do, here is my card type of people. I will avoid those situations like the plague.
But I meant a handful of people, we sat down we went for lunches, and one thing by the way, for all our British and English people, the Americans and Canadians are very very friendly — genuinely friendly.
They are not like us, all reserved and quiet, so people say hey come join us, Jon come out for lunch and start talking and learning, things I never knew. Now I have been to so many conferences since then, I can’t begin to tell you but the reason is because I learn. From then on that’s when I decided to read books and to listen to podcasts and to get on to webinars online because I want to virtually hang out with smart people, people who are smarter than me, people who have more experience than me, who can teach me things. That is what I am looking for so I’m in mastermind groups, I have got a coach, I’m in a coaching group with other people doing the same and it all helps. Please try and surround yourself with smart people, clever people, people outside of you normal sphere of influence, expand your universe it will help, honestly.
Tuesday Toolbox Tip
Today we’ve got a great tip to help you. If you’ve got anything to do with ecommerce, try this site. It’s a called ecommercefuel.com. They have a free trial. All you do is apply and that’s it and you will be connected to ecommerce people all over the world. Andrew, the guy who runs it, sets you up with people all over the world. You get to talk and the forum is great. Click here to instantly download our FREE Book “The 71 Ultimate Marketing Tools”
The share the discounts they’ve found, the information on the forum is amazing, so dive in, and learn.
I’ve been in ecommerce for years, I’m learning and you will too.
Tomorrow we are going to have a fantastic interview, so be sure and come back, the Wednesday ones are great, can’t wait to see you then!