Today I want to talk to you about a quick simple marketing tip. Okay, you have clients, you have some great clients and they like you. Now — this is not cold calling, but it is very important.
What I am advising here is to phone 5 existing clients — the top ones. Because surprisingly, a lot of us think that our top clients are the ones we don’t need to talk to, they are sorted, they love us, they just buy stuff.
We need to work on ones who don’t. We need to make sure the top ones stay top ones forever. We want to work on those.
Remember this, work on your strengths, do not work on your weaknesses. Delegate your weaknesses. Stick with your strengths. Not the other way around.
Which is where most of us, me included, often go wrong and it’s the same with your clients. Work on your top clients, because you know the 80-20 rule, I’ll get back to the podcast subject in a minute.
80/20 Rule
You know the back in the day 80-20 rule, where Pareto’s law, where 20% of your clients who develop will give you 80% of your income and it applies to virtually everything.
It’s true, work on those. So find 5 clients, pick up the phone, and chat with them because this will make a difference.
And All I want you to ask them is say, ‘Hey, this is Jon,’ obviously don’t say this Jon, because I’m Jon, I’m making example. You know that. If you are Jon, fine, knock yourself out. You know what I mean.
So say, ‘Hello, this is _____ from (wherever you are from), and we haven’t spoken for a while, or haven’t spoken at all.
I was wondering If I could come around and take you out for a cup of coffee, or come around to your place, because I’ve got some ideas for the business and because you are such an important customer, I want to run them by you first.’
Yes. It’s a doozy. Now what does this do? A — it tells your customer that you care. B — it tells your customer that you know who she is. C — it tells your customer that you think she Is in important.
D — it tells your customer that you are a modern company and you are doing things and you are changing and you are progressing and you’ve got ideas.
And E — it tells your customer that you want them to form the future of your business.
Now of course you can go and see them. And By the way, the preferred thing is to take them out for a cup of coffee or buy them lunch. Don’t forget, don’t be a tight wad.
This is one of your better customers. Take them out for lunch, you don’t have to take them to a fancy restaurant. Take them to a pub, to a bar, take them to a cactus club. To wherever.
Whatever is your local. Take them to a red lobster, if you are in America. It does not matter. It doesn’t have to be fancy but just a Starbucks will be fine, or a Cost a Coffee.
But take them along, because get yourself both out away from work and just chat. Talk about stuff.
You’ll find you’ve got stuff in common because they buy your stuff, they like you, they are a good customer , so it means they are buying more than once, they haven’t bought just once.
You want your peak ones.
Don’t Be Afraid to Ask
But when you’ve got them there, as well as asking him, tell him about whatever it is. So come up with an idea, come up with new product, a new service, a tweak to a product.
A tweak to a service or something else. Ask them. It does not matter what it is. But once you’ve got them there, you can talk to them about other stuff, you can get to know them, you might actually find that they are nice.
You might actually find you’ve got stuff in common. And you might want to meet again. You might find that you both love walking along the beach, doing triathlons or both.
And your kids might go to the same school. You never know until you try.
You can cement this relationship and if you start to do this with customers, you will be surprised at how you’ll like your customers more, you’ll appreciate your customers more and you’ll find that they are more human.
They are not a pain in a neck like you think. They are not difficult to deal with. They just want what they want and they appreciate it when people give them great service, and people talk to them and people appreciate them.
It works both ways. Simple as that.
Monday Book Recommendation
It is Monday. It is time for a book for the week. And now you may think, me and Seth Godin have got something going on, but Seth Godin is such a fantastic bloke.
He doesn’t even really blog. He writes the shortest post and it’s one of the most, In fact might even still be the most popular marketing blog in the world.
But what he says is great. He is a free thinker. He is an original thinker. Most of other people’s ideas come from Seth,but our permission section, number 4 of our 7 P’s is from Seth Godin’s permission marketing.
So this book is called ‘Leap First’. This book is about‘Creating work that matters’. A bit more description from the back says –‘Challenge the rules and surprise us with something remarkable.’
Now I read this recently and the great thing is for all of you that don’t want to read any marketing books because they are long and they are boring and you yawn, yawn, yawn.
This is just going to take you couple of hours or so. It’s a good read.
If you want it for free, just go to Simple as that. And it will show you how you can get that book for free, on me, delivered from Amazon, wherever you are in the world.
Not a penny of your money involved. Try it. Test me. Honestly. I really do send them out. And I really do buy them brand new. I promise. See how you get on.
The other thing by the way, I haven’t mentioned it for a while, is have you tried our free course? This all this stuff I talk about is now put together in a free course where I can teach you how to increase your business in 12 days.
Just go to and it’s got all the details from there. It will be delivered to your inbox every day, starting immediately.
Or summary, the first lesson, the day after. Go see what it is. Not a penny, no credit cards, no nothing. Nothing for sale. Try it. I will see you tomorrow.