Now, I don’t mean you have to write a book and I definitely don’t mean you have to be an excellent writer, but you are going to have to write because you are going to have to communicate with people.
There is no way around it. For example — social media — that involves writing. It may be very short, but your tweets on Twitter are not going to say “Look at us we are brilliant”.
Your tweets or social media posts need to communicate with your followers that you can help them so that they will come and spend some money with you.
If you are going to comment on something on Facebook, you need to comment eloquently. You do not want to just say “good post”. You want to say something that will make others say, “Oh wow – he/she has a good point.”
Even on Instagram or others, you need to add some words there. You don’t want to use text lingo like a teenager because that will look silly, so you need to know how to write.
What About Emails?
Now — this is the big one because emails are the way to go. They are the way to promote your business. You need to do whatever it takes to get your potential customers to give you permission to market to them in a way that gets you the sale.
You need to get your customers onto your email mailing list. You can use a course, a free ebook, and then you need to craft emails that will nurture that relationship.
The focus of those emails should be to get your customers to like you, so that later on, they will learn to trust you and then in the end, they will turn into purchasers.
You want them to trust you enough to spend some money.
Now — you may be thinking, I run a store so this does not apply to me. Let me ask you this — does every customer that walk into your store buy something?
Or, do they enter, look around, and just browse and then leave? They came into your store for a reason because they are looking for something.
Perhaps they are looking for something in particular, or they are just checking out your prices and they are going to go down to the end of the road and buy it from someone else who has a much lower price.
You need to work out how to get their email address and then how to communicate with them.
What About People Who Look You Up Online?
What about the potential customers who look you up online and check out your stores and your products online How are you communicating with them?
You need to write.
If you ordered your website from a local company and it has just been sitting there with nothing happening on it, and potential customers are visiting it but nothing is happening, then you need to change your website.
That is where the writing (or blogging) comes in. You need to be writing.
You need people to know that you are alive and that you do stuff. You need to communicate with them what you do.
I Don’t Have Anything Interesting to Say
You might say — I don’t know what to blog about! I don’t have anything interesting to say. Yes you do.
The people that want to see what you have to say are looking at your website and are interested in what you have to say.
These people are wanting to know that you are good at what you do. You need to show them proof of that, so why not post something about a recent project you completed for someone else?
Why not tell them about the tools you choose to use and the tools you choose not to use in your business? You can also talk about why you changed direction with your business and are doing something different.
Videos that show you are human and that you exist and can be trusted work great. You just need to write.
And I am serious about the website thing. If you go to my course,, you will find that it shows you how to create a website that you can update and do yourself?
You can put together a website and it is that easy.
Blogging is that easy too. It is a content management system (and not a place to post what you had to drink at Starbucks) — that you can put together for less than $100. You can do this.
But — you need to be writing so that you can get people on your email list and keep them there. This is what successful people are doing – not the ones who are out of date, but are staying up to date.
Monday Book Recommendation
Now, today is Monday and that means it is time for a book for the week. Now, I am probably going to come back to this one again sometime.
This is a fantastic book. It is called Rocket Fuel. It talks about visionaries and instigators. It talks about the different jobs.
It is a fantastic book. I strongly recommend it. I love it and you will like it too, so go look it up.