Tomorrow I am going to be doing a live training webinar that is absolutely free for you to attend. It will be held at 7pm UK time/2pm eastern time/1pm central time. That is where this title came from today.
In this webinar, I am going to share with you how I do what I do. It’s not rocket science and instead of promising you that you can make $2,482,364 dollars, I am going to teach you how to build a real business that will generate real sales.
For instance, one of the ways that we get to rank high in Google without doing it illegally (and it is all legit) is something simple and easy that many businesses don’t know about.
I am going to explain the 7P’s of Modern Marketing which is the process by which you build leads and grow your customers, and to increase your sales and work its magic over and over.
I am going to explain how to convert cold prospects into leads. I am also going to explain how to double your income and how others do it and how you can do it as well.
There are quite a lot of tools out there and this is not hard.
I had someone say to me once — “You don’t know what you don’t know.” And that is why I am doing this webinar — so that I can tell you and you will know!
I do this every day, so I am going to show you the things that we do that make our businesses run smoothly every day.
Another thing I am going to show you is how to turn your current website into a lead generation machine.
So — you can sign up for the webinar by clicking here and then clicking that big yellow button. There is not extra recording so you will have to make sure you can tune in during the time.
This method works so give it a go!
Monday Book Recommendation
Today is Monday and that means it is time for a book of the week. Today I am recommending The Ultimate Blueprint for an Insanely Successful Business by Keith Cunningham.
Some people just cannot understand the numbers in their business. This book is small and has really short chapters.
In this book, Keith gives you the business tools you need to create a successful business.
I look forward to seeing you at the webinar — and I will be back tomorrow with some more tips.