Today I am going to share with you a few books that have been great tools for helping on my journey as an online entrepreneur. So — here they are.
These are real books. We are going to start with a little one. Here we have ‘The Dan Sullivan Question’. Now this can be ordered on Amazon.
When I say little book, alright, it is, this is 87, 88. 88 pages. And the words are quite big. So as it says, ask it and transform anyone’s future.
Now if you are a business coach or something like that or if you deal with clients, if you improve their lot, this will transform your business.
This is amazing, this guy does, oh is this about 30 million a year or something like this. He has 10x his business about 3 times, and increased it by 10 fold in a period of time. You need to listen these.
He is one of the most successful small business coaches on the planet. I think the guy is brilliant, and it’s just not very well known. Honestly it’s a conversation starter. Just read it.
Of course, I am going to mention, you might think, oh hey, why should I read these? Well you know I could be sitting indoors drinking a cup of coffee right now.
I am trying to help you out, there’s nothing in it for me. I don’t get commission, they don’t know I’m doing this. So just trust me on it.
Email Persuasion
The 2nd one is ‘Email Persuasion’ by ‘Ian Brodie’. Now, again you can get this on amazon. This is brilliant. This is just a course on how to do email marketing of all sorts. It is 136 pages, and again good quality book.
Got a couple of pictures. Oh look, a mark there, it must have been good. The power of personas. Oh mark there, a word about traffic.
Honestly Ian Brodie, I have actually interviewed him on my show before. What a lovely guy. But this is so well written. It is just a step by step guide through the entire email marketing process. Everything you need to know. So don’t go for the fluff and bluster of others. This is just how to do it. Simple eh?
I am keeping these nice and short because I am not going to tell you too much about them because you need to go and buy it.
And for Dan Sullivan by the way, I forget to mention, he’s known as strategic coach. So go to You can probably buy it from there. But both are available from amazon.
This book will teach you how to write better
The 3rd book, now this, you talk about small book. Right, check this out. That one. That actually says, ‘This book will teach you how to write better’. Neville Medhora, alright. And look at the back, I love it.
You + this book = Write better. Now stop reading the back, and start taking notes and applying what you learn on the inside! Absolutely brilliant.
And just to say, how short this one is, okay. Number, it hasn’t even got numbers. Right but that’s how thin that is.
I mean if I compare that to. Oh, I dropped them all. The email persuasion book is a proper thick book. This is tiny. This will take you like the Dan Sullivan one. It will take you about an hour to read it. But this will be the best money you have spent.
It very very simply. Contents. Long versus Short copy. Subject lines. Styling your text. The Envelope exercise. Write fun, write wacky, not boring. And the AIDA formula, he explains the AIDA formula. A-I-D-A. Attention, interest, desire, action. Is that right?
Explains it better than anyone I’ve ever seen anywhere. And he makes it normal. It shows us. He shows us for instance one sales page, or one email. And then writes it his way. He shows us one boring way, and then writes it his way.
And it shows you how you can improve all of your writing. This book is dead thin. This, you will have, you will keep with you, and you’ll use like a bible.
Monday Book Recommendation
And the final one, remember I said there were 4. And this one by the way is my book for the week. So this is a challenge. You’ve got to try and find this one.
You can look it up online, you can get it from I am not sure if you can get it from but if you want to improve, you will find someone who can get it to you wherever you are in the world.
It is called, as you can see, ‘101 Ways to Grow your Business’. Pretty simple, eh. And it’s written by Hugh Williams. And you can see FCA. The guy is an accountant.
What does an accountant know about marketing a business? Oh it’s published by Law Pack. This Law Pack, I’ve got a website, I have no idea what they do, they’re obviously a legal, whatever but if you are looking for a right one, because this is an older print, it will have been reprinted at
So if you’re looking for it, it might look slightly different. I think its dark green now. But, and pages. You want to know, don’t you? Now I’ve told you.
Yeah, so number 100. 116 pages. And it is like this. It is step by step. Number 98. Number 85. 63. 64. It is like that. So you can read it easily in chunks. Very basically, it is stuff that you can do. Stuff that you can do. Be prepared for success.
Go the extra mile. Use a mentor. Go with hunches. Take risks. Don’t be pompous. Yeah. Stuff like that. Alright.
Honestly these books will improve things. And if there’s one, you got to do this. Because these are things, if you cannot find about 10 of those that you can do immediately at no cost whatsoever. Then you are not listening or reading right. You need to go back to the school.