By now you know that your website is one of the best and most economical ways to market your business. … [Read more...] about 4 Website Mistakes That Will Stunt the Growth of Your Business
Target Fixation : 5 Steps to Create – and Market to – Your Ideal Customer Profile
The old saying goes: know your enemy. I find another version of that phrase a bit more useful in my business. Know your customer. … [Read more...] about Target Fixation : 5 Steps to Create – and Market to – Your Ideal Customer Profile
Money On The Table: 7 Ways to Charge More
Fire sale! Everything must go! It’s a time-honored tradition in marketing. You want more sales? Slash prices. Undercut the competition and give your customers (and those of your competition!) an offer they simply can’t refuse. … [Read more...] about Money On The Table: 7 Ways to Charge More
3 Ways to Increase Sales Revenue
You drive yourself crazy thinking about it. As a business owner, I bet it even keeps you up at night now and again. That big, fat question: “ How do you pull in more more sales revenue?” Half the time the problem isn’t trying to think of new ideas, it’s trying to decide which ideas are worth throwing your money and time towards. Some common ideas include: Having a … [Read more...] about 3 Ways to Increase Sales Revenue
17 Affordable Ways to Jumpstart Your Offline Advertising -The Real World Doesn’t Have to Be Real Expensive
Ever get sick of staring at a computer screen? Ever look up from your phone and realize the sun has gone down and you barely even noticed the day going by? Wish you were out in the real world, walking around, talking in person for once to real human beings? … [Read more...] about 17 Affordable Ways to Jumpstart Your Offline Advertising -The Real World Doesn’t Have to Be Real Expensive
Lumpy, Bumpy, Profit-y Mailings – How to pique your prospects’ curiosity with snail mail
It was hard enough, back in “the day”, to get your customers attention via snail mail. After all, you yourself loathed sorting through a stack of advertisements and coupons in order to find your bills and personal letters. … [Read more...] about Lumpy, Bumpy, Profit-y Mailings – How to pique your prospects’ curiosity with snail mail
What’s Your Yawp? Creating a Killer USP for your Company
Big or small, no matter what the industry, every business needs a USP. If you have a USP, keep reading and make sure it’s as great as it can be. If you don’t have a USP yet, why not? I’m about to show you how some of the biggest brands in the world have taken the time to create a clear USP…why haven’t you? And if you don’t know what the heck a USP is, this article is … [Read more...] about What’s Your Yawp? Creating a Killer USP for your Company
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of Email Newsletters How (and how NOT to) Create Wantable Newsletters
Remember when you were a little kid and going to get the mail was like this big, exciting event? You’d run out there, certain that there was going to be a letter or card or at least an interesting catalog to leaf through? … [Read more...] about The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of Email Newsletters How (and how NOT to) Create Wantable Newsletters