This podcast is all about marketing tips. Little simple tweaks that you can apply that don’t cost you anything that help out — And one of them is understanding the mind of a customer.
Now you don’t need to be a psychologist or a doctor or some genius with a degree or anything like that to know, or to realize that when the customer is buying something, they don’t want to hear you saying about how great you are, how wonderful your product is or anything like that. They just don’t care.
Now, they don’t necessarily don’t care. It’s not that they are not very nice. It’s just that they don’t know you. They’ve just stumbled across whatever you do.
They were looking for a solution to a problem they have. They needed some information. Generally if they found you on google or whatever, or asked a friend, they have something that they need an answer to.
Now that therefore is a problem. And it’s their problem. It’s not yours. They don’t want to come along to your website and say, ‘Hey, welcome to, or we are the best, we are the biggest.’ They don’t care.
They want to get past that and find out if you have the information they are looking for.
Your Information
Now that information could be written content, it could be a podcast, it could be a video, it could be anything. It could be a download, could be a course.
But it could be a product, it could be a service, it could be whatever you do. But they are only in their mind. Now they don’t care whether you’re having a good day or a bad day.
So when you are writing your content don’t let your own personal emotions, if you are having a good or a bad day, don’t go off having rants.
So don’t go on social media ranting, raging and everything. Imagining that other people have the same opinion as you.
In fact while talking about opinions, I strongly recommend that unless you have a product or service or blog that is purposefully controversial, then you avoid the subjects of politics.
You avoid the subject of sex and you avoid the subject of religion. All of those, no need. Absolutely no need. Obviously if you are selling Bibles or something to do with the church, then you probably need to mention religion.
But you are going to alienate a lot of people and the trouble is you can kick up a fuss.
So when you’re tweeting, if you feel inclined to support something that Donald Trump says, or to be completely against something that Donald Trump says, you will have a load of people that have nothing to do with your product, or your service that will come along and they will agree, or they disagree.
They may not be the type you want. If they’re disagreeing, they probably not the type you want and it takes attention away from your message and all your work.
You Are an Expert
Now as to what you know, again you are an expert. Whatever you do, whether you are a dentist, whether you are a new dentist or whether you’ve done it for 15 years, you are more of an expert at dentistry than me. Or anyone else who needs dentistry.
But that isn’t what people want. They don’t want to know expertise, they just want to hear it from their point of view.
So, yes you are an expert, and yes, you have to have the knowledge and yes you can know a lot. But they don’t want to feel that you’re showing off. They just feel, want to know that you understand them.
Now one way of doing this, again I’ve mentioned this before, little trick picked up is whenever you make a statement, if you add the term, ‘so that’ on the end.
So if you say, for instance, I don’t know, you are a dentist and you offer a fastest teeth whitening service.
Now that’s a feature, that’s all about you, your product. But if you say, “so that you” or “so you see”, that is going to finish that sentence off whatever you’re going to say is going to be some benefit to the client, to the reader, to the potential customer.
Offer it In Their Opinion
And that’s what you’re after. You want it in their opinion. You want it to be a benefit to them, so they feel it solves their problem.
Now on that, it can be so that you don’t have to take time off work. So that you don’t have to wait so long for the results. So that you can be ready for the bowl, prom, whatever it is. Something like that.
Make sure that you know who your customers are, and then make sure you know their language.
One trick as well, when it comes to using their language to get inside their mind is to look up the kind of problem that you solve. Figure out what the problem is.
So again if you are a dentist, and you offer teeth whitening, you are solving a problem. You are not offering teeth whitening. You are improving people’s confidence.
You are improving people’s smiles. You are helping people attract attention. Whatever it is. You are solving, doing something for them.
Go onto forums. Google teeth whitening forum. Just put those terms in. you will find a ton of forums dedicated to the subject, a ton of mentions on other forums that are just dedicated to general subjects.
But these are real people asking questions and getting real answers from just general, general everybody.
That means they won’t use trade talk. They will use the kind of talk, the kind of words that we, normal people use.
Because we’re not in the business, we don’t understand how the trade works, we don’t understand all the technical terms.
So for instance, I mean I am talking here about teeth whitening. Now the dentist industry may use another term. Some dentists trying to be flash and showoff and have a higher, more luxury service may come up with some ridiculous term.
So in the same way, a lot of (sorry for all Americans listening), but a lot of American startup companies will have customer happiness officer, for what everyone else calls customer services. Things like that.
Just find the everyday language that people use and use those words when you describe them. Use powerful words but use ones that everyone else uses. Not the ones that the trade use.
In my business, Fire Protection Online, we sell fire extinguishers and there are certain types of fire extinguishers stands, you can put them on.
And the industry calls them something. But I found our customers, when they ask for the product, ask for something else. So we call them what the customers call them. Completely different thing.
So for example, we sell shiny polished extinguishers. The silver ones made from stainless steel. The customers think they’re chrome. And they ask for chrome.
So we’ve always used chrome extinguishers. Now in the industry they are quite often referred to as chrome extinguishers. Thanks Jon. No one says that. But that’s an example.
So go for it. This will improve everything you do. Emails, copywriting, leaflets, brochures, your website words, everything.
Give this information to the people who do the writing for you, if you don’t do it yourself. If they’re not doing it, get them to do it again.
If they can’t understand, find someone that does. They will be called a copywriter.
Monday Book Recommendation
It is a Monday, so he have Book for the Week. Now this is a very interesting book, I’ve been reading. It’s called, ‘Coach Your Own Life’ by Jeff Archer.
The back of the book says, “If you are looking to improve your professional and personal performance, do your goals and ambitions need an overhaul or a complete rethink?”
Now what it does is it takes you through a whole process. It is like an entire coaching guide. But it’s fantastic, it’s got loads of little tips and tricks and loads of bits to help you. It is an entire coaching system.
People pay thousands for this kind of stuff. This has it all. You don’t need assistance. Go for it. Do not pay a ton of money for personal coaching before you’ve gone through something like this.
It will help you know and I think it’s a great book. It’s extremely well written. Jeff certainly knows what he’s talking about.
But it’s the format of the book that interests me. It’s extremely well laid out. It’s one that I recommend you actually buy the physical book and look at it because you’ll make notes and you want to copy some of the examples they offer.
By the way they have loads and loads of examples of all the stuff they suggest you do. They have an example of his one, we’ve done earlier. Excellent.
Anyway, go try that. Coach your own Life by Jeff Archer. Beware of other similar sounding books. I will be back with you tomorrow.